Daily Schedule
Breakfast is served from 7:45 to 8:15. There is no breakfast supervision before 7:45.
Playground Supervision
Playground supervision begins at 8:00. Please remember, only supervisors are permitted on the playground.
School Start
The first bell rings at 8:30 am
Lunch and Recess Schedule
K |
11:45am |
11:25am |
1 |
11:00am |
11:20am |
2 |
11:25am | 11:05am |
3 |
12:00pm | 12:20pm |
4 |
12:25pm | 12:05pm |
5 |
12:50pm |
12:30pm |
School is dismissed at 3:05 and all students should depart immediately after school is dismissed. ALL students will exit the building in the front. 1st grade students will dismiss from their classroom doors, Kindergarten students will dismiss from Door 3 (the main entrance of the new addition), and students in grades 2-5 will dismiss from Door 1. There is no supervision after school. To assure the safety of all children, please make arrangements to have your child picked up promptly.